Edoba Assassin

Edoba Assassin

Unity WebGL Player | Adobe Assassin

This was a game that I made over the summer in 2019. Well it was more like with in 4 days before the new semester began. This was for a Dev Club submission in which we made a 2D platformer. I had an idea to do something that wasnt an endless runner at first , with different levels and moving enemies, but I was having trouble getting it all to work properly. So near the end of summer I scrapped everything I had, got some free assets from the Unity store for the background, player, and tiles, made my custom enemies and pickups, then coded it all in those four days. I really like this game because it shows me what I am able to accomplish when really put under an upcoming deadline. Working under this kind of pressure is something that has become the norm ffor me while I have been studying Gaming Interactive Media and Mobile Technology (GIMM).